Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How come

the jobs you really want are always so unattainable? A two hour interview seemed like a good sign. Of course I could tell I was losing the interest of one of the architects. He was zoning out and frowning while I talked. What can you do? They sprung a lot of great questions: "Why aren't you in the field of your study?" "Where is your life taking you?" I should have expected such important life assessing interrogation. It just always surprises me what I will say when I say it. I don't like shmoozing. I guess continually being the long-shot candidate has made me cynical, but I never can quite play up my skills without sounding like I am joking around. Anyhow, I won't be a fabricator for a design/architecture firm. Not this time around anyway.


keke said...


Here's the place too, looks too good to be true.

ranae said...

i hear you. i hate the idea of 'selling' myself...feels so damn conceited and fake. makes writing grant proposals or my CV pretty difficult.

keke said...

Oh well, job interviews are like dates, no chemistry becomes obvious right away. I sometimes wonder how much going on a date is like selling yourself... huh. Also Of Montreal rules.